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Cybertronic Madness!

The search also goes on for retrieving these movies, and finding more that are not on this initial list. Links will be added to these titles, for availability and reviews. Many are in fact impossible or nearly impossible to obtain...

The following films are a spectrum of movies dealing with the following:





Computerized Societies/Brainwashing

Nanotechnology/Microchip implantation/cybernetics

Future War/Futuristic warfare

Futuristic Societies/ Dystopias

Exoskeletal Battle Armor

A parallel site may be created, for 'Bio-Horror Classics' which would include mutations, mad scientists, and experimentations, these will not be listed here.

While these films are most certainly categorized as 'Science Fiction' the 'genre/category' people call 'cyberpunk' in fact does not really mean anything anymore, and this term will not be used. Originally 'cyberpunk' was adopted by pop-culture transhumanists who applied it to stories by William Gibson and others. People were later confused as to what cyberpunk really was, and still are. I am simply calling them 'CYBERTRONIC' which more appropriately applied, is an homage to 'PSYCHOTRONIC' films, which are B-Movie exploitation films with a wide spectrum of genres.

CYBERTRONIC films, we will say, are the variety of science fiction B-Movies which deal with futuristic and contemporary technology and its variable effects on characters, situations and societies. These are not space films, nor alien films. While some of them may in fact take place in space, or potentially have an alien or mutation in them, their main subject matter must be focused on androids, robots, computers, technology, or futuristic situations. Alien invasion films will not be included. Many 'post-apocalypse' films will not be included, if they do not involve robots, cybernetic technology or computer situations. "GIANT ROBOTS" will not be included, unless the films are live-action, and primarily dealing with the subject in an original way, or involve the other above concepts. "Robot Jox" is a fine example of this. "MECHAGODZILLA" and such monsters will not be included. Animated films will only be included if they deal with these subjects in a manner devoted to science-fiction, and not fantasy. In other words, 'Robotech' and millions of animated giant-robot movies and shows will not be included because there isn't really much focus on the robotics or technology as science fiction, they merely serve to allow the characters to do things they normally couldn't do, and it is not an 'issue' within the show, Henshin films, series, etc, will not be included for these reasons. "VR Troopers" for example are more about fighting action heroes, and are more a 'mythological' superhero genre, and while "Captain Power" is heavily influenced by these, its main focus IS the oppression of people by robots and cybernetics in a post apocalyptic world. "Galaxy Express" will be included as its focus is the character's obsession with obtaining a 'machine body' so he can fight the 'machine empire' with varying reprecussions. Unless an animated series deals with these issues in its main focus or concept, however poorly or however well done, they simply will not be included. "Centurions" is a perfect example of the in-between, having its inclusion because, though it may be bad, everything in the show is focused on 'computers, hacking, cybernetics, exo-armor, robots, etc,' while a seemingly robotic show such as "Robotech" which would appear to be about that subject matter--isn't. It is more about the characters, the aliens, and there isn't much discussion about pilots driving gigantic robotic armor at all, they merely exist in the show as weapons, and thats all. While many films do deal with computers even in a small capacity, and are more about characters these WILL be included, so long as the concept is overt enough. Many television series' will also be included. Currently they are listed A-Z but not necessarily in alphabetical order as yet (this will be changed later). One will be able to click on the title to get a full entry, and categories will also be added later.

The objective here is to study and find information about movies which deal with technology of the future, regardless of how inaccurate or 'bad' these films may be. Strangely enough, there are not many. While there are certainly periods in which a subject is exploited such as 'virtual reality' compared to other genres, there are really not that many titles actually dealing with computers, cybernetics, robots, etc. Finding which ones apply and which ones do not will be an ongoing project.

This list will be revised, and more films are going to be added, perhaps a couple may be removed.

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