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Here at CYBERTRONIC Movie Classics, we don't do space shit, unless it involves computers, robots, cyborgs, or hacking...we don't do aliens, unless as mentioned. We don't do time-travel, or any of these other genres unless it specifically features in an important capacity--computer technology. We're flirting with genetic engineering here on this site because it often has to do with computers, robots, and a futuristic computerized society, or is combined with computer-controlled technology, but we'll be saving most of those for much later. Our films here are all about 'the cyberspace' whatever that means to them.

The object of this blog is not to trash old movies, nor present some sort of smug, idiotic narcissistic review of films which may not be all that good. There's plenty of those hostile arrogant critics, plenty of those sites. There are plenty of funny movies which did not intend to be funny, and plenty of bad movies of course. What I hope to do here is review movies which many people have not heard of in the realm of science fiction. I am only interested in 'Cyber-Sci-Fi' or what I call Cybertronic films. There are many people who call them 'cyberpunk' movies, but they are not. "Cyberpunk" is a rather confused term, and its origins are not entirely comprehensible. It has become a term that has been used to both describe and pigeon-hole certain movies, as well as refer to movies which perhaps do not even fit what many people call "Cyberpunk" because they contain cyborgs or futuristic themes. It also restricts and narrows the realm of movies which one might like to see which involve computers, androids, artificial intelligence, cyborgs, bionics, super-soldiers, or anything which might involve computer technology. This is why most 'Cyberpunk' movie sites only review 20 movies or so. The term 'Cyberpunk' also seems to imply that a film must have a certain atmosphere or political point of view, which ultimately may be interesting, but is limiting. A movie such as "Deadly Friend" is certainly not 'Cyberpunk' but has to do with geeks, a robot, computer chips, and may be of interest to those pursuing science fiction movies which deal with technology, something which 'Cyberpunk' does not necessarily broadly cover. An homage to the term 'Psychotronic' I classify any film or television series, whether someone calls it 'Cyberpunk' or not as "Cybertronic" which essentially may be classified by some commercial sites as anything from 'Cyber Thriller' to 'Sci-Fi' to 'Androids and Robots.' Staying away from aliens and space, unless robotics and computers play a major role, one may find just what they are looking for in science fiction about technology and how technology may influence us. If you're looking for rare, weird, or cult films about robots, androids, computers, cyberspace, the internet, cybersex, supersoldiers, cyborgs or nanotechnology, this is the place to be.

No critic can convince everyone, and not everyone likes everything one particular critic likes, therefore I am setting up the following ratings system which disavows the idea that all movies can be reviewed with the same measuring stick:








TERRIBLY GOOD: These are really bad movies that you just have to see.

GOD-AWFUL SHIT: Don't confuse these with movies that are so bad they're fun. (You'll find a list of these in my Cyber Trash Can)

NOT BAD AT ALL: These have something worthwhile in spite of the low budget.

PRETTY GOOD: These are actually neat stories that have some flaws.

INTERESTING: These are movies which although bad still manage to get to you.

MIND-BOGGLING: These are movies which defy description. They're insane!

BRAVO: These are simply well done in spite of not making money or gaining popularity.

If you have heard of any Cybertronic movies you'd like to see me review or have heard of any I have not, please leave your message in this comments section, and I'll get right on it!

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